Defining Scope

Clarity and consensus drive success

Understanding a project's purpose and scope is crucial for successful planning and execution.

Define and document scope

Engage stakeholders to identify the project's expected outcomes and document the project requirements to ensure a clear understanding of what needs to be delivered.

Identify constraints

Identify and document any project constraints, such as budget, time, resources, or technology limitations.

Assess risks

Evaluate external factors, dependencies, and uncertainties that may impact the project and develop contingency plans as needed.

Open communication

Establish a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed about any changes to the project scope or limitations.

Review and refine

Scope and constraints may evolve over the course of a project. Regularly review and refine them to accommodate changes.

Plan for iteration

Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities and update the scope and requirements when necessary.

Building a strategic foundation for growth

Aligning on scope and limitations is not just about current success; it’s about laying a robust foundation for future growth. By understanding the contours of a project, we pave the way for scalability, adaptability, and continuous improvement, ensuring that our designs evolve seamlessly with changing needs.


  1. We emphasize the importance of aligning with our client partners to define a shared vision of success. By collaboratively establishing clear project goals, deliverables, and expectations, we lay the groundwork for successful project outcomes.
  2. We acknowledge and recognize limitations not as constraints, but as opportunities for innovation. Embracing transparency about project boundaries — whether they involve time, resources, or technological considerations — empowers us to make informed decisions, fostering creativity within defined parameters.
  3. As projects unfold and progress, we remain dynamic in our approach, iterating and adapting scope and strategy based on insights gained, emerging requirements, and evolving priorities.


Thoughtful work begins with clearly defined objectives and selecting the right methods.

Product strategy and planning

Strategic consulting

Research and discovery

Requirements gathering

Stakeholder alignment

Content audit and strategy

Accessibility audits and analysis

Systems mapping

Gap analysis

Risk Assessment and mitigation strategy

KPI definition

Product delivery roadmaps

User research and testing

Technical planning and strategy

Technology roadmaps

Solutions architecture and systems mapping

Future state definition

Digital transformation strategy

Technology stack evaluation and selection