Principles of Systems Thinking

An approach to solving complex problems.

Achieve more effective and sustainable outcomes by embracing a systems thinking mindset to understand the relationships between stakeholders, policies, and services.

Holistic approach

Consider the whole system and recognize that the behavior of the system as a whole can be different from the sum of its parts.


Acknowledge the interdependence of various elements within a system. Changes in one part of the system can affect other parts and the system as a whole.


Recognize that the interactions of simple components within a system can create unexpected complex behaviors and properties.

Dynamic complexity

Acknowledge that systems are dynamic and evolve over time. Understand system patterns and consider how they may change in the future.

Small changes, big impacts

Acknowledge that cause and effect relationships within complex systems are often non-linear, meaning that small changes can lead to disproportionately large effects.

Feedback loops

Pay attention to how one part of the system can influence other parts, often resulting in unintended snowball effects.


Foster collaboration among all stakeholders to co-create solutions that address complex challenges and achieve shared goals.

Long-term adaptability

Design and build with flexibility and scalability in mind to accommodate future changes, advancements in technology, and evolving user needs.


Prioritize interoperability and integration between systems, platforms, and datasets to enhance efficiency, data sharing, and user experience


We recognize the intricate interplay of components within the larger system and design not just for immediate success but for the harmonious evolution and resilience of products within their larger, public sector ecosystem.


Thoughtful work begins with clearly defined objectives and selecting the right methods.

Product strategy and planning

Research and discovery

Requirements gathering

Systems mapping

Human-centered UX/UI/CX

Content strategy

Content audits and analysis

Content governance and workflows

Components audits and analysis

Scalable information architecture and navigation

Technical planning and strategy

Technology roadmaps

Solutions architecture and systems mapping