NYC Workforce Data Portal

A public-facing online portal to improve the availability of data about City-administered workforce programs.

time lapse photograph of people walking in a NYC subway station

In collaboration with NYC Opportunity, we developed the Workforce Data Portal (WDP) to offer a dynamic, interactive storytelling experience powered by NYC labor-related data. By integrating standardized metrics and state wage data, the portal equips City agency staff, policymakers, and the public with valuable insights to enhance the city’s workforce development initiatives. The goal is to strengthen services that support New Yorkers in acquiring the skills and opportunities needed to secure well-paying jobs with promising career prospects.

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NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity


“The portal is the digital end-product of a data platform designed to enable research.”

Tayyab Walker

Director, Enterprise Data Solutions, Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity

“We can begin to be more transparent as a City about how we're managing programs and how we're serving particularly low-income and marginalized populations that are coming and seeking help from the City.”

Tayyab Walker

Director, Enterprise Data Solutions, Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity


  • Davey Awards / Silver / Government
  • W3 Awards / Silver / Local Government
  • Summit International Award / Gold / Government Website
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