Mapping Equity NYC
A data-driven geographic picture of New Yorkers’ quality of life
from NYC Opps write up:
NYC Opportunity has just launched Mapping Equity: a new data tool on the EquityNYC website. Mapping Equity shows a geographic picture of New Yorkers’ quality of life, where City services are located, the neighborhoods where people who receive City services live, and general characteristics about NYC’s population. This tool includes over 75 measures of neighborhood wellbeing and public service delivery from over 25 NYC government agencies, and will be updated annually. It goes beyond the bar charts and line graphs that have been used on the site to date and displays data by location, allowing for a place-based analysis of equity in the city.
The EquityNYC website allows New Yorkers to access data about the city’s social, environmental, and physical health, broken down by race/ethnicity, gender, location, sexual orientation, and income. The site offers a rich array of data in such areas as core infrastructure and environment, diverse and inclusive government, and economic security and mobility. It also contains a function that allows users to explore data on City services, organized by policy domain, with data in such areas as child care, City government hires, and public benefits.
Mapping Equity enhances the site by adding new geographic tools. It presents three types of metrics: City service locations, equity outcomes, and City service metrics. It includes City services ranging from job centers to CitiBike stations. Its mapping features also allow users to add district boundaries to the maps and overlay population demographics to the data sets. The Mapping Equity function, which has been tested with people around the city in advance of the launch, will be a resource for City policymakers who are concerned about geospatial equity and New Yorkers advocating for equity for their neighborhoods and across New York City.